The Catholic Studies minor seeks to provide students with the opportunity to explore the Catholic intellectual tradition, emphasizing the richness of its philosophical and theological systems, its artistic and cultural expressions, its historical evolution (including internal and external moments of contestation), its approaches to social analysis and the natural sciences, in order to appreciate the vision and values which emerge from this tradition.
18 Credits
The Catholic Studies minor requires THEO1401 Engaging Catholicism.
Engaging Catholicism (3 cr., any semester) and 15 additional credits in approved electives.
Students should be advised their Engaging Catholicism course will count for both BC Core credit in theology as well as the “basis course” for the Interdisciplinary Minor in Catholic Studies.
Alternatively, due to the high level of Catholic content, students enrolled in the Philosophy Department’s Perspectives I, Perspectives on Western Culture can use that course to count as the “basis course” for the Interdisciplinary Minor in Catholic Studies (as well as the usual philosophy and theology Core requirements).
College regulations specify that at least 15 credits in an interdisciplinary minor must be unique to that program, i.e., may not be used also to fulfill requirements for a major or core or for another minor.
The electives may include a concluding integrative research exercise (e.g., seminar, senior thesis) dealing either with the inculturation of Catholicism in different regions or with a theme approached from several disciplinary perspectives and across historical periods (e.g., "Catholic practices of asceticism" in art, music, literature, theology).
The minor recommends awareness of three Catholic Studies clusters, or ways of looking at Catholicism: The Catholic Imagination; Catholicism in Time and Space; and Catholic Social Thought.
The Catholic Imagination
- ARTH 2231 Early Renaissance Art in Italy
- ARTH 3016 Medieval Art in Focus: Holy Lands
- ARTH 3347 Age of Baroque: Seventeenth Century Art in Italy
- CLAS 2242/THEO 2241/HIST 4211 Roman Religions
- ITAL 3373 Love, Sexuality and Gender
- ITAL 5526 Dante's Divine Comedy
- ITAL 8830 Bernini and the Baroque
- PHIL 5542 Aquinas and the Summa
- PHIL 5987 The Problem of Suffering
- PHIL 7224 Medieval Christian Mystical Philosophy: Eriugena, Eckhart, Cusanus
- PHIL 7721 Medieval Ontology
Complex Problems Courses
- THEO 1723/PHIL 1723 Faith, Ethics, and the Sciences in the 21st Century
Enduring Questions Courses
- ARTH 1725 Artistic and Ritual Responses to Suffering: Buddhism in Practice / THEO 1725 Contemplative Responses to Suffering: Buddhism and Christianity
- BIOL 1705 In the Beginning: Scientific Explorations of Our Origins / THEO 1704 In the Beginning: Biblical Explorations of Our Origins
- COMM 1702 Being Human: Secular-Humanist Perspective / THEO 1706 Being Human: Theological Perspective
- HIST 1716 Geographies of Imperialism: History of Colonization / THEO 1707 Geographies of Imperialism: Theology of Colonization
- PHIL 1726 Exploring the Mystery of God: A Philosophical Perspective / THEO1726 Exploring the Mystery of God: A Theological Perspective
- PHIL 1729 A Life of Virtue: The Wisdom of the Ancient Greek Tradition / THEO 1729 A Life of Virtue: The Wisdom of the Judeo-Christian Tradition
- POLI 1051 Flawed Founders: George Washington and the Mythology of a Heroic President / THEO 1710 Flawed Founders: King David and the Theology of a Political Hero
- SLAV 1161 What is the Good Life? Tolstoy to Chekov / THEO 1702 God and the Good Life
- THEO 1701 Spiritual Exercises: Engagement, Empathy, Ethics / MUSA 1701 Aesthetic Exercises: Engagement, Empathy, Ethics
- THEO 1703 Building a Habitable Planet - Origins and Evolutions of the Earth: Theological Perspectives / EESC 1701 Building a Habitable Planet - Origins and Evolutions of the Earth: Geological Perspectives
- THEO 1722 The Formation of Early Christian Thought: A Theological Examination / PHIL 1722 The Formation of Early Christian Thought: A Philosophical Examination
- UNAS 1711 Neuroscience and Religion: Conflict, Coexistence, or Collaboration / THEO 1711 Neuroscience and Religion: Conflict, Coexistence, or Collaboration
- UNAS 1720 For the Love of the Game: Sociology of Sport / THEO 1714 For the Love of the Game: Theology of Sport
Catholicism in Time and Space
- ENGL 3816 Contemporary Women Writers and the Media
- ENGL 8844 Bodies and Souls: Visions, Mystics, and Medieval Devotion
- HIST 2508 Saints, Scoundrels, and Sinners: Popes and Their Histories from St. Peter to Pope Francis
- HIST 3502 Jesuits and Indians
- HIST 2302 Modern Latin America
- HIST 4010/THEO 4010 The Samurai and the Cross: Christian Encounters with Japan (1549-1945)
- HIST 4225 The Witch, the Church, and the Law
- HIST 4230 The Age of the Renaissance
- HIST 4244 Global Political Catholicism
- HIST 4264 Ireland Between the Orange and the Green
- SOCY 1036 Introduction to Latin American Societies
- UNCP 5533 Desire and Discernment
- UNCP 5566 Capstone: Pilgrim’s Progress--The Discerned Life on Pilgrimage
Summer Courses
- THEO 1223 Saints and Sinners
- THEO 1226 Religion, Justice and Reconciliation in South Africa
- THEO 1227 Religion, Justice and Reconciliation in the Balkans
Catholic Social Thought
- EDUC 3205 Exploration of Faith, Justice, and Evangelization in Catholic Education: Exploring the History of Catholic Parish Schools in the United States
- ECON 2234 Economics and Catholic Social Teaching
- POLI 2408 Religion-State Relations in the Modern Middle East
- THEO 1088/PHIL1088 Person and Social Responsibility I
- THEO 1089/PHIL1089 Person and Social Responsibility II
- THEO 1342/UNAS1163 Peaceful Ethics: Social Action Leadership
- THEO 2001 Tradition and Traditions
- THEO 2002 Trajectories in Contemporary Theology
- THEO 2160 The Challenge of Justice
- THEO 2164 The Challenge of Peace
- THEO 2230 Mass Incarceration: Philosophical and Theological Perspectives
- THEO 2950 US Catholics: The Old Faith in a New Land
- THEO 3222 Bioethics and Social Justice
- THEO 3253 Religion and American Public Life
- THE0 3283 Prophets and Peacemakers
- THEO 3557 Catholicism and Social Responsibility
- THEO 5354 Catholic Social Teaching
- THEO 5563 Ethics, Religion and International Politics
- THEO 4433 Theology, Service and Solidarity
- THEO 5505 Sacraments and Art
- THEO 5011 Revolutionaries, Diplomatic Theology, and Catholic Missionaries: Challenges in 20th century China
- THEO 5599 A Theology of Food: Eating, Drinking and the Eucharist
Registration for the Minor
If you would like more information about the Catholic Studies Minor, or to register, please contact the interim Director for the Catholic Studies Minor, Dr. Liam Bergin (liam.bergin@najwc.com) and the Administrator of the Theology Department, Patti Donnellan (patricia.fleming@najwc.com). Dr Liam Bergin will then contact you to schedule an appointment and plan your minor.